Clinic Tour
Slideshow: Virtual Tour

Animal Medical Center
Welcome to Animal Medical Center! We're so glad you're here!

Our Reception Desk
Where you are met with the smiling faces of our friendly client service technicians and, very often, their small companions behind the desk!

Welcome to our Lobby! We offer spacious seating for you and your furry companion to wait in comfort! Need to be separated from other patients in the waiting room? No problem! We will escort you into an open room as soon as you arrive! Just call ahead or tell our reception upon arrival that you're interested in this service.

This is our hallway to exam rooms three and four. Both of which we see most of our cats in but, occasionally small breed dogs and pocket pets too!

Exam Room Two
In our clinic, we have 5 exam rooms! This is one of the two dog rooms. We have exam room one which is for large dog breeds or multi-pet appointments and exam room two, which can accomodate medium and smaller dog breeds.

Exam Room Three
Here is Exam Room Three!
This is one of our two cat rooms! We've made it possible here at Animal Medical Center to separate our dogs and cats by having them examined in their own separate hospital wings! It helps to keep our more anxious kitties comfortable and reduces stress!

Comfort Room/Exam Room 5
This is our comfort room. It has it's own extrance to come in and leave on your own. This room is separated from all of the loudness of our normal exam rooms. It is a room where you can spend quality time with your companion comfortably and privately. If you have any questions about end of life care, please don't hesitate to call us. We're always here for you.

Here is where we carry out our lab services, like heartworm tests, FELV tests, fecal testing, bloodwork, cytology and more! We have a full service in-house IDEXX laboratory, but can also send labs out for testing when needed!

Treatment Area
Welcome to our Treatment area!
When we say "we're going to go to the back" this is where we go. In this area, we have all that we need to perform various tasks and procedures within a safe and controlled environment. Here, we do nail trims, draw blood, clean ears, give injections and much more!

X-Ray Room
This is our Radiology room.
We have a brand new radiology table to perfom in-house x-rays fast and safely!

Surgery Suite!
Here is our surgery suite! We now have TWO surgery tables, one for daily morning surgeries and one for emergency surgery if needed. We do all of our sterile surgeries in this room (all dentals are done in our dental suite)!

Dental Suite
Here we perform dental surgery and prophylactic cleanings. Our suite is equipped with a powered wet table and Ultra sonic Scaler for faster and safer dental procedures. We also have dental x-ray to take pictures of your pet's teeth and check for tooth root and boney changes you can't see at the surface! Think your pet needs a dental? Give us a call and we'll get you an estimate!

This is our ICU room! This room is fully equipped to treat patients with intensive care needs such as supplemental oxygen, IV fluids, etc.. The room is central to the treatment area so we can easily monitor our hospitalized and critical care patients through a large sliding glass door.

Dog Ward - View One
This is our dog kennel room. We have 5 large runs and 5 medium sized cages in which to house your furry friends during their stay. There's also a large, walk up bath tub and a kitchen station to care for all your pet's needs while here.

Dog Ward - Second View
Here is a second view of the Kennel room!

Cat Ward
This is our cat room! Here is where your furry feline will be during their surgery stay or for overnight care. Separated from the dog runs, and the hustle and bustle of the practice, this ward helps to keep anxiety at bay by giving cats their own personal space.

Thank you for touring our clinic! We're currently taking new clients for routine care! We're so proud of Animal Medical Center and our staff! If you're interested in becoming a part of our family, give us a call today!